Monday, April 2, 2012


Hello, fellow bloggers and blog readers! Sorry I haven't posted photography on here in so long...I haven't had much time to actually photograph things, what with being in San Fran and all (see my main blog).

But alas, I am back. Thank you to those of you who said you like my new blog design. Unfortunately, it is just temporary...but once I get the new one designed and up, I'd love to hear your opinion. Thanks anyway!

Onto the I was going to have yogurt and strawberries for a snack, then I realized how nice the weather outside is for taking pictures. SO, I got a jar and my strawberries and snapped some pics. I edited them with Picnik, which closes on APRIL 19TH! So I need to get using it, haha :P. Hope you like them...(click to enlarge)

This one is my personal fave. God's creation is SO beautiful!

Is there a food you like to photograph?
Genesis 1:11
Then God said, “Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb that yields seed, and the fruit tree that yields fruit according to its kind, whose seed is in itself, on the earth”; and it was so.


  1. I LOVE those pictures! I just 'found' your blog, and I LOVE your photography! :) I don't have an account, so I can't auctually 'follow' your blog,...but I'll follow it in my own little way. :)

  2. Awesome shots! :D Creative angles :D

  3. These are great shots, you're right Solace!!

  4. These are lovely! I love how bright and colorful they are. :)


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