Monday, May 28, 2012

Ashley & Talia

The other night, I had one of my best friends Ashley over to spend the night. Her family moved away a couple months ago, but they were in town this weekend. We had a really fun time!

As you may notice, I'm far more comfortable behind the camera than in front of it. But, anyway...hope you like the pictures :-).

{NOTE: They all say "Talia Grace Photography" to keep from picture theft, etc., but Ashley took the ones of me and our feet}

(isn't she pretty? I love her hair!)


  1. I love all of the pics Talia!


  2. Awww, you guys look like you had so much fun! :) I got most of the way down through the pics and I was like - wait! Ashley didn't have glasses on before, did she? Hehe. :) Does she usually have to wear them (or was she wearing contacts)? Anyway, loved the pics - esp. the black-and-white one she took of you, and the one before that. :)

  3. You are a really great photographer!


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