Monday, January 9, 2012

Just a Few Older Pics


  1. Talia, these are really great pictures!!
    I can't believe you took them and edited them.
    you have an eye for this.
    keep up the good work!

  2. Thanks so much, Elisha and Amy:). You both are too sweeeet!

  3. I love the first two pics!!! They are all really really good though!
    How did you get such a good point of view on the first pic?

  4. Thanks, Kiera and Kara! Kara, I had my cousin pose with her umbrella on this really cool street right next to Christ Church in Pennsylvania. Thanks :-)

  5. I luv the third picture of the rose!!!!

  6. Where did you take the first picture?

  7. Nate, when my grandparents took Haley, Samantha and I to Pennsylvania in Oct. we were in Philadelphia about to go to Christ Church, and this road was next to it:) So i had samantha get out her umbrella and stand in the middle:)

  8. Hey! Thats me! Lol:)


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